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How your dog says, “I love you”: 6 tell ‘tail’ signs

How your dog says, “I love you”: 6 tell ‘tail’ signs

It is such a privilege to be loved by a dog. They don’t care about our flaws or that we are ‘just human’ – in all the ways! They simply love us – unconditionally – for who we are. What’s more, a dog will stick by you, no matter what. They are loyal until the very end.

If only more people could love like dogs the world would be a much better place, don’t you think?!

Here are all the ways your best mate is saying, “I love you”.

6 signs your dog REALLY loves you

We all feel our dog’s love, but science has proven that dogs not only feel genuine affection for their ‘pawrents’, but also, have a gorgeous ability to generate this in us. Look out for these signs:

1. Love gazing

When your dog looks at you with it’s big brown, beautiful eyes, as if you are both in a starring contest, it is a ‘love gaze’.

According to a Japanese study this sort of sustained eye contact with your pooch releases oxytocin, also known as the ‘love hormone’. But incredibly, this is also triggered in humans when they lock eyes with their doggo.

So ‘love gazing’ is also ‘love boosting’ and a beautiful bonding activity.

2. Leaning on you

When your dog presses up against you, it is a sign of affection.  Bigger dogs tend to lean while standing, almost pushing you over and smaller pups will do ‘the lean’ while cuddling up to you. It’s kinda the dog-version of a bear hug.

3. Sniffing you

When your dog smells you, their ‘person’, as opposed to a random stranger at the dog park, their brain lights up differently, according to research. One study, discovered this when screening dogs in an MRI scan and seeing what happened when they smelt their owner.

So, if your dog is smelling you like you are roses, to them you are.

3. Licking you

To dogs, licking is not an impolite way at all to say, “I love you”. In fact, when your dog repeatedly licks you, it’s the same as grooming another dog in their pack. They are taking care of you, just as you take care of them.

4. Waggy tail

Dogs really do talk with their tails. But not every waggy tail means they are happy (and you can read all about what your dog’s different tail movements mean here!).

When your dog has a relaxed body posture and this is accompanied by a swishing tail, though, they are happy and communicating to you their affection. Swish, swish, kiss, kiss.

5. Bringing you toys

When your dog brings you its favourite toy, or even a rolled up pair of socks, it is because they are sharing something they love with you. Playing is not just fun for them, it is also about engaging you in together time.

6. Following you EVERYWHERE

Do you sometimes feel like you have a dog-shaped shadow because your best mate is always behind you? If so, its not because you feed them or because they may be a little needy, it’s just because you are number one for them. Dogs often follow their owners from room to room simply because they enjoy being near them. It’s ‘attachment behaviour’ where they need to be with you at all times. They also just want to be in on whatever you’re doing, even if that’s closing the door on them to go to the loo!

How good are dogs? They are showing us all the time how they feel about us and it’s just beautiful. It really is something special to be loved by a dog, hey?!


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